Yellowstone visitation statistics for May 2024 - NPS



a crowd of people watching a geyser erupt
People watching a Beehive Geyser eruption.

NPS / Jacob W. Frank

News Release Date: June 25, 2024

Contact: Morgan Warthin, (307) 344-2015

MAMMOTH HOT SPRINGS, WY – The park hosted 522,450 recreation visits in May 2024, up 15% from May 2023 (454,262 recreation visits). This May’s visitation showed a 10% increase from May 2021 (473,799 recreation visits).

So far in 2024, the park hosted 719,127 recreation visits, up 11% from 2023 (644,979), and up 11% from 2021 (649,153 recreation visits).

The list below shows the year-to-date trend for recreation visits over the last several years (through May):
2024 – 719,127
2023 – 644,979
2022 – 733,471 (The park was closed June 13 through June 21 due to the historic flood event. Three entrances opened on June 22.)
2021 – 649,153
2020 – 145,849 (The park was closed March 24 through May 17 due to COVID-19. Two entrances opened on May 18 and the remaining three opened on June 1.)
2019 – 576,776

Summer is Yellowstone’s busiest season, and millions of people visit the park in June, July and August. If you plan to travel to Yellowstone this summer, plan ahead. Protect yourself and the park by taking the Yellowstone Pledge.

More data on park visitation, including how we calculate these numbers, is available on the NPS Stats website.