Showing posts with the label black sand basin
Yellowstone Notebook
Ohio woman gored after approaching bison in Yellowstone - NPS
NEWS RELEASE Woman gored after approaching bison in Yellowstone; Always stay more than 25 yards away from bison Black Sand Basin NPS / Jacob W. Frank A 25-year-old female from Grove City, Ohio, approached a bison to within 10 feet on the morning of May 30, 2022. Two other individuals were also within 25 yards of the same bison. Park regulations require visitors to remain more than 25 yards (23 m) away from bison. As the bison walked near a boardwalk at Black Sand Basin (just north of Old Faithful), the female, on the boardwalk, approached it. Consequently, the bison gored the woman and tossed her 10 feet into the air. The woman sustained a puncture wound and other injuries. Park emergency medical providers responded to the incident immediately and transported her via ambulance to Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center. The incident remains under investigation, and t...