Showing posts with the label lamar buffalo ranch
Yellowstone Notebook
Lamar Buffalo Ranch in Yellowstone is 100% off-grid - PRNewswire
News provided by Cushing Terrell Oct 13, 2021, 11:42 ET SEATTLE , Oct. 13, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Hurricanes, wildfires, and severe winter storms have demonstrated the precarious nature of our energy infrastructure and the critical need to rethink our energy sources and delivery methods. Knowing the need for fast-tracked solutions, members of Cushing Terrell's Infrastructure Group, Alan and Nathan Bronec , father and son electrical engineers, brought their expertise on microgrids and renewable energy integration to this year's Greenbuild conference which took place last month. Their presentation, "Don't Be Left in the Dark: How Microgrids Make Reliable, Onsite Renewable Energy Possible," will be part of the on-demand series of presentations available for attendees. Lamar Buffalo Ranch is a remote site in Yellowstone National Park that is 100% off-grid. Cushing Terrell designed a micro-hydroe...