
Showing posts with the label monument geyser basin

Monument Geyser Basin: A Unique Vapor-Dominated Thermal Area in Yellowstone National Park - USGS

By  Yellowstone Volcano Observatory   April 15, 2024 Monument Geyser Basin: A Unique Vapor-Dominated Thermal Area in Yellowstone National Park  Just south of Norris Geyser Basin is a little-visited thermal area called Monument Geyser Basin. The “monuments” there are unique in Yellowstone’s above-water hydrothermal areas and resemble the “black smoker” deposits found at the bottom of the ocean. Yellowstone  Caldera  Chronicles is a weekly column written by scientists and collaborators of the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory. This week's contribution is from Pat Shanks and Lisa Morgan, research geologist emeriti with the U.S. Geological Survey.        Sources/Usage: Public Domain.  View Media Details View of Monument Geyser Basin in Yellowstone National Park, with one of the  silica  spire "monuments" (from which the basin gets its name) in the foreground. USGS photo by Mike Poland, May 15, 2021. Monument Geyser Basin occurs west of Gibbon Canyon, south of Gibbon Geyser Basi