Yellowstone National Park winter weather advisory: Expected snow may close Sylvan Pass and other roads


Yellowstone National Park winter weather advisory: Expected snow may close Sylvan Pass and other roads

  • Visitors to Yellowstone National Park should be aware that winter weather is expected in the park this evening, especially on high elevation passes.  

  • Weather can change quickly this time of year in the mountains.  

  • The weather forecast for Friday evening, Sept. 22 predicts 90% precipitation with possible 5-9 inches of snow accumulation on Sylvan Pass, located on the East Entrance Road. 

  • If road conditions deteriorate due to the predicted winter weather, staff will close the East Entrance Road to Sylvan Pass and other roads as appropriate.   

  • If needed, staff will evaluate conditions the morning of Saturday, Sept. 23 and will reopen the road (if it closes) when conditions allow.

  • For up-to-date information about park roads: 

    • Visit Park Roads

    • Call (307) 344-2117 for recorded information. 

    • Sign up to receive Yellowstone road alerts on your mobile phone by texting 82190 to 888-777 (an automatic text reply will confirm receipt and provide instructions). 

  • Check road conditions outside of Yellowstone in MontanaWyomingIdaho, and Grand Teton National Park