Yellowstone National Park visitation statistics on Fourth of July weekend 2021 - NPS


News Release

A crowd of people watching a geyser erupt
Old Faithful summer eruption

NPS / Jacob W. Frank

News Release Date: July 8, 2021

Contact: Morgan Warthin, 307-344-2015

MAMMOTH HOT SPRINGS, WY – Parkwide vehicle entries through the Fourth of July weekend showed an 8% increase over the same weekend in 2019. This year is compared to 2019 instead of 2020 because of COVID-19.

Visitation statistics (*vehicle entries) per day for July 2-5, 2021, compared to July 5-8, 2019, are listed below.

Park entrance Vehicle entries Percent increase 2021 over 2019
  Friday, July 2, 2021 Friday, July 5, 2019  
East 1,148 1,473 -22%
North 2,106 2,026 4%
Northeast 570 862 -34%
South 2,049 2,226 -8%
West 5,228 5,680 -8%
Total 11,101 12,267 -10%
Saturday, July 3, 2021

Saturday, July 6, 2019
East 1,257 1,405 -11%
North 2,263 1,983 14%
Northeast 667 861 -23%
South 2,203 1,730 27%
West 5,470 5,377 2%
Total 11,860 11,356 4%
Sunday, July 4, 2021

Sunday, July 7, 2019
East 1,210 1,430 -15%
North 2,119 1,810 17%
Northeast 604 751 -20%
South 1,767 1,744 1%
West 5,359 4,511 19%
Total 11,059 10,246 8%
Monday, July 5, 2021

Monday, July 8, 2019
East 1,751 1,205 45%
North 2,364 1,605 47%
Northeast 736 649 13%
South 2,444 1,764 39%
West 5,530 4,407 25%
Total 12,825 9,630 33%

Summer is Yellowstone’s busiest season. Millions of people visit the park in June, July and August. If you plan to travel to Yellowstone this summer, plan ahead, expect crowding and recreate responsibly to protect yourself and the park.

Editor’s note: *Vehicle entry data is collected from park entrance stations point-of-sale system. This data informs official visitation stats, posted after the end of each month at NPS Stats website. Vehicle entry data will be shared in press releases following summer holiday weekends (Memorial Day, Fourth of July and Labor Day).