
Have wolves returned Yellowstone to its natural state? - Mountain Journal


Top 10 things to know about visiting Yellowstone National Park during the 2024 summer season - NPS

  NEWS RELEASE Top 10 things to know about visiting Yellowstone National Park during the 2024 summer season Plan Like a Park Ranger: Enjoy the Drive NPS / Jacob W. Frank Subscribe    |  What is RSS News Release Date:  May 24, 2024 Contact:   Morgan Warthin , (307) 344-2015 MAMMOTH HOT SPRINGS, WY – If you plan to travel to Yellowstone National Park this summer, plan ahead to protect yourself and this wild and awe-inspiring place. Within the park’s 2.2 million acres, visitors have unparalleled opportunities to observe wildlife in an intact ecosystem, explore geothermal areas that contain half the world’s active geysers and view geologic wonders like the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone River. Follow the  top 10 things to know  to enjoy your visit and protect the park for generations to come:   1. No Vehicle Reservations Required Vehicle reservations are not required to enter the park – just a park entrance pass. Save time at entrance stations by  purchasing your pass online  before you a

Is Yellowstone Overrated? As a Disaster Movie Subject, Maybe . . . - USGS

By  Yellowstone Volcano Observatory   May 20, 2024 Is Yellowstone Overrated? As a Disaster Movie Subject, Maybe . . .  Many people regard Yellowstone as an exceptional place that merits only positive superlatives. But in much of the broadcast, streaming, and popular media it has an outsized reputation as a global catastrophe waiting to happen. Let’s do some fact checking to see which view is more realistic.  Yellowstone  Caldera  Chronicles is a weekly column written by scientists and collaborators of the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory. This week's contribution is from Dan Dzurisin, emeritus geologist with the U.S. Geological Survey. Few would argue against Yellowstone being “super”—both a splendid natural wonder worthy of careful stewardship, and a super-sized volcanic system capable of correspondingly large eruptions with potentially far-reaching impacts. As the latter, it has inspired any number of disaster shows and movies, not unlike menacing asteroids, planet-rending earthqu

Monument Geyser Basin: A Unique Vapor-Dominated Thermal Area in Yellowstone National Park - USGS

By  Yellowstone Volcano Observatory   April 15, 2024 Monument Geyser Basin: A Unique Vapor-Dominated Thermal Area in Yellowstone National Park  Just south of Norris Geyser Basin is a little-visited thermal area called Monument Geyser Basin. The “monuments” there are unique in Yellowstone’s above-water hydrothermal areas and resemble the “black smoker” deposits found at the bottom of the ocean. Yellowstone  Caldera  Chronicles is a weekly column written by scientists and collaborators of the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory. This week's contribution is from Pat Shanks and Lisa Morgan, research geologist emeriti with the U.S. Geological Survey.        Sources/Usage: Public Domain.  View Media Details View of Monument Geyser Basin in Yellowstone National Park, with one of the  silica  spire "monuments" (from which the basin gets its name) in the foreground. USGS photo by Mike Poland, May 15, 2021. Monument Geyser Basin occurs west of Gibbon Canyon, south of Gibbon Geyser Basi

Yellowstone National Park announces 16th Biennial Scientific Conference on the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem - NPS

  NEWS RELEASE Yellowstone National Park announces 16th Biennial Scientific Conference on the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem Greater Yellowstone Coordinating Committee turns 60 Ben Banet, GIS Technician, downloading data from climate monitoring site NPS / Jacob W. Frank News Release Date:  May 21, 2024 Contact:   Morgan Warthin , (307) 344-2015 MAMMOTH HOT SPRINGS, WY – On Sept. 3-5, 2024, the  16th Biennial Scientific Conference on the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem  will take place in Big Sky, Montana. This year’s conference will focus on advancing conservation in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE). Sponsored by  Yellowstone Forever , the conference will highlight scientific study in Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks and the efforts of the  Greater Yellowstone Coordinating Committee (GYCC) . This year marks the GYCC’s 60th anniversary, which presents an occasion to reflect on the research and conservation accomplishments over the years and an opportunity to enhance partne

Yellowstone Worker Learns Hard Way What Happens When Bear Spray Explodes In Car - Cowboy State Daily

Yellowstone Worker Learns Hard Way What Happens When Bear Spray Explodes In Car

Out-Of-State Man Survives Attack By 2 Wyoming Grizzlies - Cowboy State Daily

Out-Of-State Man Survives Attack By 2 Wyoming Grizzlies

Yellowstone Tribal Heritage Center opens for third season - NPS

  NEWS RELEASE Yellowstone Tribal Heritage Center opens for third season Evans Flammond Sr. (Oglala Sioux, Rosebud Sioux) Alyssa McGeeley News Release Date:  May 20, 2024 Contact:   Yellowstone National Park: Morgan Warthin , (307) 344-2015 Contact:   Yellowstone Forever: Wendie Carr , (406) 848-2853 MAMMOTH HOT SPRINGS, WY – On Monday, May 20, 2024, the Yellowstone Tribal Heritage Center opens to the public for the season. Located in the Old Faithful area, the  Yellowstone Tribal Heritage Center  is a space where Indigenous artists, scholars and presenters from the  27 associated Tribes  of Yellowstone National Park directly engage with visitors through demonstrations and discussions. Now in its third year, the center is a partnership between the National Park Service and Yellowstone Forever, with Tribal consultation.   During the 2024 season, 27 presenters from 17 associated Tribes will directly engage with Yellowstone visitors through formal and informal education. Presentations wil

DANGER: Elk calving season has begun in Yellowstone National Park; Be aware of your surroundings! - NPS

  NEWS RELEASE DANGER: Elk calving season has begun in Yellowstone National Park; Be aware of your surroundings! Elk calf bedded down under a boom lift NPS / Jacob W. Frank News Release Date:  May 16, 2024 Contact:   Linda Veress , (307) 344-2015 Elk calving season has begun in Yellowstone National Park. Cow elk are much more aggressive towards people during the calving season and may run towards you or kick. Stay alert.  Look around corners before exiting buildings or walking around blind spots: cow elk may bed their calves near buildings and under cars. Always keep at least 25 yards (23 m), or the length of two full sized busses, from elk. If an elk runs toward you,  run away . Find shelter in your vehicle or behind a tall, sturdy barrier as quickly as possible. Attacks can be unprovoked and unpredictable. You are responsible for your own  safety . Visit  Elk  for more information. Last updated: May 16, 2024

Yellowstone National Park’s Dunraven Pass opens ahead of schedule - NPS

  NEWS RELEASE Yellowstone National Park’s Dunraven Pass opens ahead of schedule Pass opens TODAY, Thursday, May 16 Winter weather conditions may cause temporary road closures Views along Grand Loop Road from Tower Junction to Canyon Village NPS / Jacob W. Frank News Release Date:  May 16, 2024 Contact:   Linda Veress , (307) 344-2015 The road from Canyon Village to Tower Fall (Dunraven Pass) opens today, May 16, to public motor vehicle traffic. Originally scheduled to open May 24, road crews were able to complete spring plowing operations ahead of schedule due to mild winter conditions. The Chittenden Road to Mount Washburn will remain closed at this time. All park roads are now open for the season. The public are asked to: Watch for quickly changing  weather conditions  and possible temporary closures due to late spring storms. Many areas of the park are still experiencing winter conditions, and snow and ice may cover sections of roads and trails. Stay informed about up-to-date road

Weather-permitting, South Entrance in Yellowstone National Park to open Friday, May 10: Anticipate winter conditions - NPS

  NEWS RELEASE Weather-permitting, South Entrance in Yellowstone National Park to open Friday, May 10 Anticipate winter conditions as snow and ice may cover sections of park roads South Entrance Road NPS / Jacob W. Frank News Release Date:  May 8, 2024 Contact:   Morgan Warthin , (307) 344-2015 Weather-permitting, the following roads in Yellowstone National Park will open 8 a.m. Friday, May 10 to public motor vehicle traffic: South Entrance to West Thumb West Thumb to Old Faithful (Craig Pass) West Thumb to Lake Village Tower-Roosevelt to Tower Fall The public are asked to: Watch for quickly changing  weather conditions  and possible temporary closures due to late spring storms. Many areas of the park are still experiencing winter conditions, and snow and ice may cover sections of road. Stay informed about up-to-date road conditions and traffic delays due to road improvement projects in Yellowstone: Visit  Park Roads . Call (307) 344-2117 for recorded information. Receive Yellowstone r